
We hope that you have remained safe and well during the Covid-19 pandemic. These unprecedented times have presented many challenges for us all. At TMB Notes we remain dedicated to protecting the health and wellbeing of our staff and customers. To this end, we have adhered to all recommended practices for preventing the transmission of the virus. Naturally, we are also committed to maintaining an outstanding level of service.

Our team will continue to keep abreast of developments relating to Covid-19. We will advise you of any developments which could affect the level of service we provide, including the speed of deliveries and the availability of products.

Delivery times

You will no doubt have become aware that Covid-19 has impacted the services of most carriers. Many companies have lost staff temporarily due to the virus and all businesses have been required to institute new practices to protect their staff. As a consequence, many deliveries were delayed in the early days of the pandemic. Things have largely returned to normal but TMB Notes has no control over any reduction in the level of service offered by our carriers.

At TMB Notes, we are now operating normally and so there should be no delays to the handling of any orders that you place with us. However, it is possible that we could lose one or more staff members at any time and this may affect the speed at which we pack and despatch orders.

Product availability

As you can imagine, there was a huge demand for vaping related products in the early days of the pandemic. This demand, together with general disruption to manufacturing and supply chains did threaten the availability of products listed on our site. The stock of many vaping products was depleted worldwide but the situation has now improved considerably. We have worked hard to ensure that we maintain appropriate stocks of our products. We will continue to do this, but you should be aware that any further waves of Covid-19 infections could result in shortages.

Thankfully, eliquids are manufactured in many countries across the world. This means that even if there are issues with production in certain countries, alternatives from other countries should remain available. The situation is very different regarding vaping hardware. Most devices are made in the Shenzhen province of China. Any issues with production or distribution in China could seriously impact the availability of electronic cigarettes, vape tanks, coils and other vaping equipment.

Safety at TMB Notes

We have taken all recommended measures to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. These are as follows:

  • We support all team members who are vulnerable or who are required to self-isolate.
  • Team members work from home whenever possible.
  • We do not share work stations or any other equipment at our premises unless there is no alternative but to do so.
  • Masks are worn in communal areas.
  • We limit interaction between staff as far as is possible.
  • Staff are encouraged to remain at work during their lunch breaks.
  • All staff are encouraged to wash their hands regularly.
  • Staff members involved in packing and despatching orders wash their hands many times throughout the day and wear gloves when handling goods.
  • We will continue to follow all safety recommendations throughout the pandemic and until the government confirms that such measures are no longer necessary.